Search Results for: chemo

getting chemo with port a cath

What It’s Like to Have Chemo from a Young Breast Cancer Survivor

This is a post about what to expect when having chemo, written by a young breast cancer survivor. If you or a loved one and are about to start chemotherapy you might be wondering what to expect. First, let me say that everyone’s chemo experience is different. It depends on what type of cancer you…

cryotherapy during chemotherapy neuropathy from taxotere - last chemo texas oncology

How to Prepare for Chemo Sessions: From A Breast Cancer Survivor

Chemotherapy has proven to be an effective treatment strategy for many cancer patients. Then, why is it that so many cancer patients dread the procedure? For that…. you need to understand how chemotherapy works. In general, chemo drugs are designed to attack or inhibit fast-dividing cells in the body. Since cancer-causing cells divide and multiply…

Middle-aged woman with blonde hair, resting chin on hands, looks thoughtful against a light background, pondering activities 50-year-olds should avoid.
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If You Are Over 50, It Is Probably Time To Stop Doing These 31 Things

Turning 50 is often seen as a milestone in one’s life, signifying half a century of experiences, challenges, and achievements. While age is just a number, this stage in life brings about a series of considerations, especially regarding health and lifestyle choices. It’s essential to recognize that getting your body the help it needs is…

A man and woman sit together on a sofa, smiling.

25 Things NOT to Leave Your Children When You Die

As parents, we all want the absolute best for our kids, not just during our lifetimes, but even after we’re gone. Sure, leaving an inheritance can provide financial help, but if we’re not careful, it can accidentally cause emotional, legal, and practical problems for our loved ones down the road. Think about it like this:…

10 Benefits of Coconut Oil Pulling

Everything You Need to Know About Oil Pulling with Coconut Oil

This is a post all about coconut oil pulling that covers what it is, the health benefits, and how to do it. Because I worry about taking too many drugs for various ailments I’m very interested in alternative health.  Long term effects of many medicines are unknown.  That is why I’d rather find home remedies…

A woman gets a mammogram with assistance from a healthcare professional in a colorful blouse, finding comfort in practical tips to cope with scanxiety.

8 Tips to Help with Scanxiety, from a Cancer Survivor

This is a refreshed post from a couple years ago. I was introduced to a new term recently – scanxiety.  Though not a new concept, the word was new to me.  The term was brought up at a cancer support group. Scanxiety refers to anxiety before, during, and after medical scans.   Technically, it could…

A screen shot of a Twitter page offering free gift cards to cancer patients.

How to Get Free Gift Cards for Cancer Patients

If you or a loved one has had a cancer diagnosis, then you probably know that cancer is expensive.  In this post, learn ways to get free gift cards for cancer patients. Even with health insurance, the expenses from office visits, mammograms, radiation, chemotherapy, and everything else add up. Not only are there medical expenses,…

Breast Cancer Survivors Tips for Blog Post How to Get Social Security Disability Benefits for Breast Cancer

How to Get Social Security Disability Benefits for Breast Cancer

As a young breast cancer patient, I found that I could not do many of the things I had done before cancer.  At the age of 31, the chemotherapy treatments and bilateral mastectomy created a major challenge. With bills piling up and not working, I hoped to apply for social security benefits.  I was not…

Free Breast Cancer and Discounts
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Best Free Stuff for Breast Cancer Patients 2024

After going through a breast cancer diagnosis and treatment, I found out that there’s more to the expense than just the medical bills. Cancer is expensive! I needed some free stuff for cancer patients. Because of cancer, treatment, surgery, and fatigue, I was not able to do my normal things. So, we had to figure…

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The Ultimate 2024 Gift Guide for a Friend with Cancer

When a person we care about is diagnosed with cancer, it’s normal to want to help but feel unsure how to help. The patient themselves may feel embarrassed or unable to tell friends and family members what they need or want. Choosing gifts for cancer patients can become complicated and confusing for most of us….

Benefits of Drinking Lemon Water; Woman drinking lemon water
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Benefits Of Lemon Water – Why I Drink Warm Lemon Water Every Morning

Why I Drink Warm Lemon Water Every Morning and the Benefits of Water with Lemon I have read many articles about the benefits of drinking warm lemon water.   Here are some of the common ideas about the benefits of lemon water.  Then, I’ll tell you why I drink warm lemon water every morning and…

Body Image and Self Esteem - Skinny Shaming- Skinny Girls Have a Hard Time Too - New York World Trade Center Buildings pre 911

Skinny Shaming: Skinny Girls Have a Hard Time Too

When most people think of body image and self-confidence issues, they tend to picture an overweight woman looking at herself in the mirror. But, people of all sizes can experience body image shaming. Skinny girls have a hard time too.  Shaming related to body size or shape can affect people of both genders, all ages, and…

leaves cannabis plant for CBD

7 Ways CBD Creams Can Help Improve Your Health

This is a health and wellness post by Alexandra.  Do you ever wonder why CBD products are gaining momentum in the healthcare, skincare, and beauty industries? Cannabidiol, or simply CBD, is one of the several substances present in cannabis plants and Hemp plants. While the Cannabis and hemp plant extracts have a psychoactive and intoxicating…

A mannequin is wearing a pink post-operative mastectomy shirt designed for medical patients, featuring soft fabric, Velcro-like fasteners for ease of dressing, and four internal pockets to hold drains. Text reads: "Heal in Comfort." Ideal for breast cancer survivors.

Post Operative Mastectomy Shirts – More Options for Breast Cancer Survivors

Now, there is better post-mastectomy recovery clothing, breast cancer clothing, and mastectomy supplies to help with recovery after mastectomy and surgery from breast cancer. Mastectomy recovery shirts like HealinComfort hold drainage tubes to help breast cancer patients with recovery after surgery. Post Mastectomy Clothing Recovery Shirts to Wear After Breast Cancer Surgery Nine years ago…

6 month hair growth after chemo - Rachel breast cancer austin texas

Advances in Cancer Technology and How to Support a Cancer Patient

This is a sponsored post on behalf of Texas Oncology about the advancements in cancer care and how to support someone with cancer. Two of my paternal aunts had breast cancer years ago. One of my aunts had cancer in the 1970s and the other in the 1980s. At that time, my family knew nothing about the BRCA…

Discover effective methods for cancer prevention.

Cancer Prevention Tips – Ways to Lower Your Cancer Risk

This is a collaborative post by Elle Jo with cancer prevention tips.  Learn how to prevent cancer and lower your cancer risk with a cancer vaccine, limiting sun exposure, and increasing your exercise. Cancer Prevention Tips – A Cancer Vaccine, Sun Exposure, Exercise It is believed that the rates of cancer could be as high…

young mom with breast cancer austin texas blogger

Pfizer’s This is Living with Cancer; Support for Cancer Patients

Thank you Pfizer for sponsoring this post. Join Pfizer’s #InspirationLives initiative by sharing your story with the hashtag on Facebook and Instagram to support and inspire those who have been affected by cancer, and be sure to check out the LivingWith™ mobile app available via iTunes and Google Play! Young Breast Cancer Survivor Diagnosed at…

md anderson ooporectomy brca ovarian cancer risk reduction

Organizations that Help Cancer Patients Financially after Cancer Treatment

It has almost been 4 years since I found out I had with breast cancer.  I had a double mastectomy, reconstruction, and 4 rounds of chemo.  My last chemotherapy infusion was on December 31, 2009.  Unfortunately, the medical bills continue to come in and I’m having a hard time finding financial assistance for breast cancer…