Tips For Driving In The Winter

When the weather turns, the roads can become harder to drive on, whether heavy rainfall, darker days, ice, and even snow.

To stay healthy and safe, it’s worth spending some time thinking about your winter driving practices and habits. 

Ice & Snow 

If your area experiences snow, it’s advisable to refrain from driving until the roads are clear again. The best advice is to take your time, maneuver gently.

Check Your Tires, Battery, And Windshield Wiper

Check the air pressure in your tires. The tire pressure drops in cold weather. Also the tread on your tires. As your tread wears down you lose traction.

Breakdowns are pretty common in the wintertime, yet if you’re prepared for one, you’ll keep yourself and other passengers safe.

Be Prepared 

If you find yourself driving in such weather, try to keep a good distance between yourself and the vehicle in front of you.

Rain Or Flooding

Before you drive, check that you have good visibility by cleaning your windscreen thoroughly both inside and out.

Check Your Vision

Avoid Driving When Tired

Driving when too tired can be dangerous, so you should avoid getting behind the wheel when feeling drained or if you haven’t had the best night’s sleep.

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