Top Tips To Get Kids Excited About Wearing Glasses
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This is a collaborative post by Ellie Jo with tips on glasses for kids.
Are you finding it difficult to get your child to wear glasses? If this is this case, you’re not alone. You, as an adult, understand the importance of clear vision to your children’s development and learning, but they might not see it this way.

For a child, a new experience is a scary one. Some may meet new experiences with gusto, but for others, it’s uncomfortable to be in new territory.Â
Below we are going to have a look at some of the top tips for getting your kids excited about wearing glasses:Â
Tips To Get Kids Excited About Wearing Glasses
Have A Talk
OK, so this might seem obvious. However, rather than having a talk about how you are going to ‘make ‘ them wear glasses, try talking to them about why they are worried about having to wear glasses. A great way to do this is to read a book together.
As a child, they may only think about the negatives of wearing glasses so it’s extremely important for you to explain the benefits. Things like your favorite stories will be easier to read or the movies will be clearer.Â
Let Them Choose The FrameÂ
You should really try to fight the urge to pick out the frames based on your own taste. After all, you aren’t the one who is going to be wearing them. Let your kids pick out their frames even if they want round glasses so they can look like their favorite Harry Potter character. There are many kid-friendly options in eyewear, from color blocking, lightweight through to durable styles. If you hand over the reins, your kids will actually get excited about their new glasses.
Slowly Build Their ConfidenceÂ
Confidence with wearing glasses might not be something that just happens as soon as they have them. Some children take to them straight away and are proud to be wearers, but others need a little encouragement to feel confident in them. Taking baby steps is a great way to tackle this, ask them to wear them for 20 minutes at a time and then continue to increase the amount of time slowly. Before you know it, they will get used to wearing them and you will no longer need to nag them to put them on.Â
Check-In With ThemÂ
If you’re an adult that wears glasses you will be well aware that sometimes your glasses aren’t comfortable and can get damaged far too easily. This may be the case even more so for a child. They are constantly growing so the glasses may become a little tighter behind their ears or on their nose and let’s face it they get into much more mischief than an adult so the glasses may need to replaced more often. Check-in with them every now and again and ask them how their glasses are feeling and show them how they can care for them.Â
These four top tips should help to get your children feeling excited and confident about wearing glasses. Do you have any other tips that could help?Â
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