A Goal Without A Plan Is Just A Wish
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This is a post by Erin about how you can set yourself up for success to win with any goal, or intention.
Do you want to lose weight? Do you want to improve your financial health? Are you hoping to become more organized? We all have so many wishes. But how do you turn those wishes into outcomes? A goal without a plan is just a wish. Let’s look at ways to determine your goal and what to think about when developing a plan.
Table of Contents
Start With Your Goal or Intention
Start with setting your goal, this is the end game or the results you want to see at the “end”. Jot that down. Once you have your goal, build a list of intentions that will help you achieve your goal. Intentions are something you want to, or plan to do to help you achieve your goal. You don’t necessarily needa goal. It’s okay if you just want to focus on several smaller intentions. Jot them down.
Before writing down your final and specific goal and intentions, take some time to think about the why. Why are these your goals or intentions? Understanding why you want to achieve this is an important part of your success. This is going to be your drive and motivation to help you win.
Have a Plan
Now that you have your specific and attainable goal or intention, it’s time to plan for success.
One of the most biggest factors of your goal being successful is that are they measurable, attainable and realistic. This is where intentions come in, things you can do daily, weekly and monthly to win.
If you have a goal to run your first 5k race, but you’re not a runner, don’t start by going out and running 6 miles on day one. Start by finding and practicing a stretch routine, this will reduce the likelihood of injury. Then hit the pavement (or rubber, if you’re using a treadmill) and run for 10 minutes. Once these tasks become simple, and no longer challenging, increase what you’re doing. Run for 15 minutes instead of 10. You will see over time that your body is able to run for longer amounts of time with ease, and less residual soreness. If you are new runner, see our Guide For Beginner Runners.
Determine how you will track your success. Decide the time frame which you want to achieve your goal. Determine how long you will work on your intentions before you meet your goal. Having a time bound victory line can help you stay on track.
One aspect of goal and intention setting many people forget to plan for is to have a plan for when you fall off the wagon. At some we will give up on our goal. We will fall into a habit of not running, not working out or whatever your goal is. Have a plan to get back at it. Sharing your goal and your misses with an accountability buddy may help you redirect back on track.
As you think about what your goal is, having a plan increases your odds of success:
You’ve eaten dehydrated fruit, and it’s still real fruit. Earth Breeze Laundry Sheets are along the same lines. They’re actual laundry detergent but made in eco-friendly sheets. They’re just dehydrated laundry sheets that come in cardboard envelopes.
- Determine how and when will you start
- Recruit your support and accountability system
- Decide how you will measure and track your success to stay on course
- Determine what you will do if your plan gets off course
Prepare Now For Greater Success Later
Don’t wait to start working toward your goal. There are things that you can do today to ensure you’re ready when day 1 arrives.
Tips to Prepare for Fitness Goals
If you have a running goal, then find a race. Sign up for the race and find running groups in your area to help you train. Signing up for the race gives you motivation to keep going.
With fitness and workout goals, part of preparing and having a plan, is having the right equipment. Join a gym, take a tour, look at their schedule for classes and schedule things now. If you plan to work out at home, search for workouts on YouTube, or join programs like Beach Body to decide where you want to start. You may need workout equipment, research and start shopping now. Check out a local running store to get the right shoes. These steps will have you ready to hit the ground running on day 1.
If your goal is fitness related, make sure you’re ready with the proper attire for the weather where you live. Most retail stores have amazing sales the days following the holidays. Many even focus sales on athletic or athlesiure wear heading into the New Year.
Tips To Prepare For Weight Loss Goals
With weight loss goals, set yourself up for success today. Go through your pantry and any food or snack cabinets. If you have unopened items that aren’t going to help you achieve your goal, donate them. If items are opened, don’t think you need to use them up before starting (that’s sabotage.) Ask friends, family, or neighbors if they would like the items. Explain to them your goal. Let them know you’re preparing for success, and could also use their support. Most will be glad to take things off you hands, and help cheer you on.
Start planning meals now. We have many great recipes for clean and healthy eating. There are also meal delivery services that have options that are diet specific. If dining out occurs frequently with your lifestyle, plan ahead by researching menu options before arrival to increase the odds that you stay on track.
Tips To Prepare For Organization Goals
If you have a goal or intention of getting more organized or declutter your home, avoid getting overwhelmed by the sight of all the things that have gotten you where you are by making a list. On this list, include things you want to keep, and where and how you can store them. List things you want to purge item by item. Decide where you can sell or donate the items. Fill a box or bag at a regular frequency, set calendar reminders. Have the box or bag out, and drop things in as you go versus doing it all at once.
Tips To Prepare For Financial Goals
Living a happy Life on a budget is what Cha Ching Queen is all about. Establishing a budget doesn’t need to be overwhelming, and it can be easy. The most important thing to establishing a financial goal is to understand where you are today. Sit down and look at your expenses over the last year. Figure out where your money goes. After you know where your money goes you can determine a budget, and develop a financial plan.
Surround Yourself With Likeminded People
Take advantage of technology. There are groups and hashtags for everything. If fitness, weight loss or running are you goals, find local groups that meet regularly for workouts, or runs. Meeting new people can be intimidating, especially at the gym, mini goals of small talk before or after a class can be in beginning of a great friendship. Having someone near or far to check in and hold you accountable will help in the long run, and you can do the same for them, whatever their goal or intention is.
Ready, Set, GOAL!
As you’re wrapping up the end of the year, now is the perfect time to set yourself up for success by taking the time now to plan for and win moving into the next year. Once you write down you goal, it becomes a plan, and once you begin toward your plan, you have action. Action leads you to success.
Reviewing your progress regularly and making necessary tweaks will increase the likelihood that you don’t lose sight of your goal.
Believing in yourself is the hardest, and most important key to you sticking with your goal or intention. Have a mantra you repeat to yourself each morning and speak positive affirmations into your life to help keep your motivation. Also, surrounding yourself with people who want to see you win, and who will encourage you as you work.
You got this! We believe in you!