8 Ways to Build More Exercise into Your Workday
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Do you often find yourself struggling to fit exercise into your hectic work schedule? You’re not alone.
One of the most common reasons people give for not working out more is that they simply don’t have the time due to their busy work lives.
Maintaining an active lifestyle is crucial for both physical and mental well-being, and it’s important to find ways to incorporate exercise into your daily routine.
The good news is that even if your work schedule seems impossible to manage, there are ways to build more exercise into your workday.
By making small adjustments and adopting new habits, you can increase your activity levels without neglecting your professional responsibilities.
In this blog post, we’ll explore eight practical tips to help you add more exercise to your workday and improve your overall health and wellness. So, let’s dive in and start making those positive changes today!
Table of Contents
1. Make It Your Job
Okay, so this one certainly isn’t going to be for everyone. If you are serious about exercise and wish to do a lot more of it, why not consider changing jobs to a more fitness-based role?
From training as a yoga teacher to getting your stretching certification online, there are so many things you can do to make your work life all about fitness!
Related: How To Start A Fitness YouTube Channel [In 5 Simple Steps]
2. Take The Stairs
An easy way to move more at work is to take the stairs instead of the elevator.
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Taking the stairs is a great leg strengthening exercise. It will also raise your heart rate and burn more calories while also improving your physical condition a little, especially if you move around a lot at work, which brings us to…
3. Talk To Your Colleagues In Person
Instead of emailing or calling your colleagues when you have a question, visit them at their desks.
This is an easy way to build in more movement, and it can be nice to check in on the people you work with instead of firing off a quick email, too.
This is tough to do if you are working remotely, but consider it an option if you are in the office.
4. Sit On An Exercise Ball
Instead of sitting at your desk on a chair, sit on an exercise ball instead. Doing so will force you to engage your core and help you burn calories and improve your balance significantly. It might feel weird at first, but you will soon get used to it.
5. Cycle At Your Desk
Alternatively, you might want to invest in a cycling desk that allows you to pedal as you work away at your desk job. Imagine how many calories you could burn even if you cycled for only a fraction of your working day!
Cycle while you work with this under the desk stationary bike.
6. Park Further Away
If you drive to work each day, try parking farther away from the office than you normally do. This will mean you have to walk to and from the office, getting in more steps and taking in more fresh air.
You might not burn a huge number of calories, but you will be moving around, and it will make you feel better.
7. Join A Sports Team
If your office has a sports team, sign up and enjoy more exercise and the camaraderie that comes with it too.
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8. Go For A Run!
If you are someone working remotely, lace up your shoes and go for a run in between meetings. If you are new to running, see Beginner Runner Guide: Best Tips For New Runners.